Papilloma virus treatment

papilloma virus treatment

Treatment of papilloma virus is a complex technique for eliminating the symptoms of infection, its causes, by surgical and therapeutic methods. Benign neoplasms - papillomas - can occur on different parts of the body or mucous membranes. Most often, such formations are harmless, but there are situations when their removal is necessary to prevent the degeneration of the formation into an oncological tumor. That is why it is very important to treat HPV correctly, adhering to all the recommendations of traditional medicine.

Drug therapy

It is not possible to completely cure the papilloma virus in a short time. To solve the problem, it is important to use antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs that prevent the spread of the disease and malignancy of the formed formations. All medications in the form of tablets, injections or suppositories are prescribed to patients after diagnosis.

For the treatment of papillomavirus, medicines from the groups of immunostimulants, antiviral agents, homeopathy, drugs for the destruction of tumors and cytotoxic drugs are used. The first 3 groups of medicines can have various forms (tablets, injections and others) and are used to combat the cause of the disease, and the last 2 groups are used to gradually remove the formed formations.

The purpose of the use of immunostimulants is to strengthen and activate the protective functions in the body, to promote the synthesis of antibodies that will fight viruses and infections. If you use immunostimulants in combination with antiviral drugs, then the effect of the latter will be many times higher.

How effective the immunomodulators used in the treatment of HPV will be will depend on the individual reactions of the patient's body and the complex of treatment, of which they are a part. But in most cases, with a pronounced clinic of papillomavirus and the use of immunomodulators, the disease becomes regressive and may even disappear completely.

Medicines used to treat HPV
Active ingredient Pharmaceutical Group
Taurine, benzocaine, interferon Antimicrobial and antiparasitic agents. Antiviral medicines. Interferons
Interferon Antimicrobial and antiparasitic agents. Antiviral medicines. Interferons
Echinacea purpurea juice Medicines correcting immune processes. Medicines that stimulate immune processes
Affinity Purified Antibodies to Human Gamma Interferon Homeopathic Medicines
Lyophilized bacterial lysate: Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Klebsiella ozaenae, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus viridans, Streptococcus pyogenes, Moraxella catarrhalis. Medicines correcting immune processes. Medicines that stimulate immunity processes
Antibodies to human gamma interferon affinity purified, antibodies to histamine affinity purified, antibodies to CD4 affinity purified Antiviral, antihistamine
Sodium deoxyribonucleate Medicines correcting immune processes. Medicines that stimulate immune processes
Human gamma interferon (recombinant) Antimicrobial and antiparasitic agents. Antiviral medicines. Interferons
Mixture bacterial lysates (Streptococcus pneumoniae, type I + Streptococcus pneumoniae, type II + Streptococcus pneumoniae, type III + Streptococcus pneumoniae, type V + Streptococcus pneumoniae, type VIII + Streptococcus pneumoniae, type XII + HaemophzilusOther immunomodulators
Oxyethylammonium methylphenoxyacetate Medicines correcting immune processes. Medicines that stimulate immune processes
Inosine pranobex (inosiplex) Antimicrobial and antiparasitic agents. Antiviral medicines.

Antiviral medicines of other groups

Polyoxidonium Medicines correcting immune processes. Medicines that stimulate immune processes
Glycyrrhizic acid activated Antimicrobial and antiparasitic agents.

Antiviral medicines.

Antiviral medicines of other groups

Removal of papillomas by surgical methods

Can I resort to deletion

is it possible to remove papillomas

Some papillomas that appear on the body do not bring any inconvenience to a person, while others are capable of growing, creating both cosmetic defects and physical inconveniences. In case of discomfort from the papilloma, it is always removed, but is it worth removing the formations, if their appearance does not bring any inconvenience, you need to understand each case.

Cauterization with liquid nitrogen

The most acceptable way to eliminate papillomas today is the method of burning them with liquid nitrogen or cryodestruction. The technique can be performed using a hardware method using a cryoprobe or manually, which is most often practiced in cosmetology rooms.

To use the hardware cryodestruction technique, special equipment is required.

Cryodestruction is carried out in the following stages:

  1. At the preparatory stage, for patients with a low level of pain threshold or with a large area of ​​papilloma growth, the zone of exposure to nitrogen is anesthetized with local anesthetic solutions. In other cases, patients are advised to take any pain reliever orally 1 hour before the procedure.
  2. At the stage of direct freezing or cryodestruction, liquid nitrogen is applied to the papilloma area. At the same time, the period of validity for 1 point is only a couple of seconds, so in 5 minutes you can freeze up to 40 papillomas on the body. Before cryosurgery, the patient is warned of a possible tingling sensation at the site of nitrogen application at the time of freezing.
  3. At the final stage, the area of ​​skin treatment with liquid nitrogen is disinfected with disinfectants.
need for cryodestruction

The need for cryodestruction in each case is determined by the attending physician. If the patient has a risk of papilloma degeneration into a malignant formation, removal must be performed. The factors that influence the need for cryodestruction are:

  • mechanical damage to the neoplasm;
  • decreased level of the patient's immunity;
  • use of oral contraceptives;
  • bad habits of the patient;
  • localization of growths in places that are regularly injured in the process of life.

Cryodestruction is also indicated for the patient's aesthetic and physical discomfort from the presence of papilloma on the body.

The main contraindications for using the cryodestruction method are acute infections in the patient's body, inflammatory processes in the internal organs, atypical types of neoplasms, pathological cold intolerance. Possible complications after removing warts with liquid nitrogen can be scarring and pigmentation of tissues at the site of cryoprobe application.

Ointments and lotions

In pharmacies today you can buy many special lotions and ointments to remove papillomas on the most delicate areas of the skin.

It is necessary to use ointments for cauterization of education only with complex therapy of the virus, which should be carried out with the help of tableted immunomodulators and antiviral agents.

Multivitamins, which will improve the state of the immune system and its readiness to produce protective antibodies to the virus, will not interfere in this case.

papillomas ointments

The most accessible ointment that can defeat papilloma is an ointment that contains salicylic acid, which has keralotic, bactericidal and restorative effects on the affected tissue. The agent is applied pointwise to the affected area, without affecting the healthy surrounding tissues, which can be used to burn with it.

In any pharmacy you can also find ready-made solutions for removing papillomas. With the help of such solutions, it will be necessary to make lotions, which will lead to the death of pathogenic microflora in the skin area and eliminate papilloma.

Surgical method

Surgical removal of growths refers to the physical removal of papillomas with a scalpel.

Removal surgery is indicated by doctors if the size of the tumor exceeds 3 centimeters in diameter.

When carrying out the manipulation, the surgeon first disinfects the area around the growth and the growth itself with the help of disinfectants, then performs the manipulations with local anesthesia and proceeds to the direct excision of the neoplasm. After the papilloma is removed, it must be sent for histological examination to determine the oncological nature in its cells. 2 weeks after the operation, the wound under the removed wart is completely tightened and healed.

The main indications for papilloma surgery are:

  • large formations, their deep and flat views;
  • the need for urgent elimination of papilloma;
  • papilloma malignancy;
  • inadmissibility of other methods for removing education.

The main advantages of classic excision of papillomas are complete elimination of the problem in 1 operation, low probability of recurrence in this case, safety of manipulation, absence of a large list of contraindications to the procedure, and an acceptable price for most patients.

Among the disadvantages of surgical removal of papillomas, one can note the appearance of a scar at the site of excision, and sometimes a keloid scar, a long period of post-surgical rehabilitation, refusal from exposure to ultraviolet radiation, and the invasiveness of the procedure. Also, complications of the operation in the form of redness, itching, scarring at the site of excision, and an increase in body temperature can rarely occur.

Laser Removal

laser removal of papillomas

The gold standard of modern medicine in the removal of neoplasms is represented by laser removal of papillomas. Until recently, the removal of papillomas left behind scars, but today the laser technique allows you to preserve the beauty of the skin without visible changes.

The basis of laser therapy for papillomas is vaporization, that is, the ability of the beam to cauterize tissue and evaporate life-giving moisture from its surface. The devices allow you to dose the duration and intensity of exposure to the rays on the skin, depending on the nature of the neoplasm.

The laser removal procedure itself takes place in several stages:

  • the doctor first performs a dermatoscopy and determines the type of laser to be used;
  • the site of exposure is treated with local anesthetics;
  • laser removal session lasts several minutes;
  • when the procedure is over, the site of exposure is disinfected, and a sterile bandage is applied to it, if contact with clothing in this area is possible;
  • the patient outside the clinic provides wound rehabilitation care.

After laser removal of papillomas, patients are prohibited from sunbathing, visiting pools and spa centers, taking a bath, or using any cosmetics in the scar area.

These restrictions are temporary and are negotiated by the specialist and the patient before leaving the hospital.

Laser removal has a number of contraindications, both relative and absolute, determined in each case. Most often, the technique is not intended for diabetes mellitus, the presence of herpes, fever, influenza and acute respiratory viral infections, diseases of the hematopoietic organs.

Traditional methods


herbs for the treatment of papillomas

Since ancient times, using various herbal infusions, healers have destroyed all manifestations of papillomatosis. Many recipes have survived to the present day, since they are striking in their effectiveness and lack of negative effects on the body.

A popular folk remedy for HPV is wormwood tincture. With its help, you can get rid of formations on the entire surface of the body. The most important thing is to know exactly when and how to harvest the herb for the medicine.

Wormwood must be harvested in a certain way. The most useful in this herb are leaves and flowers, but the thick stem is not suitable for tincture. Less commonly, for medical purposes, it is advised to remove the wormwood root from the ground. All harvested plant parts are washed and laid out on a flat surface for drying. During the drying process, the grass must be periodically turned over so that it does not dry out. The finished dried herb is stored in a dry glass jar with a tight lid.

Prepared tincture against wormwood papillomas will not only get rid of this problem, but also eliminate pathogenic microflora, and will also have a beneficial effect on the human stomach.

The course of taking tincture for papillomatosis is at least 2 weeks, after which there is a break in treatment. Each of the possible tinctures is taken orally 5 drops up to 6 times a day.

Wormwood tincture can be prepared in oil, alcohol, or cognac. For the oil tincture, you need 25 grams of wormwood seeds and 0. 5 cups of olive oil. The seeds are crushed in a coffee grinder and placed in a glass container scalded with boiling water. Top the seeds are poured with olive oil, everything is mixed and covered with a tight lid. The mixture is infused for three days in a cool place, filtered and ready for use.

Alcohol tincture is prepared from 100 grams of wormwood powder based on plant leaves crushed in a blender and 0. 5 liters of vodka. Everything is mixed and infused in glass for 10-14 days, then filtered and used as directed. The tincture should be stored in the refrigerator.

To prepare a tincture of wormwood on cognac, you will need 50 grams of chopped plant root and a glass of cognac. The ingredients are mixed and sent to a water bath for evaporation for 30 minutes. After that, the product is filtered and sent to a dark place for 5 days.

Also, for the treatment of papillomas, you can prepare an herbal infusion for which horsetail, lemon balm, dandelion roots, plantain and nettle are mixed in equal proportions (1 teaspoon each). The mixture is crushed, and then 3 tablespoons of herbs are poured with a liter of boiling water and all this is boiled for 10 minutes over low heat. After the infusion is removed from the heat, it must be insisted for several hours.

Ready tincture is used before meals for ¼ glass for 7 days. The tool strengthens the immune system, which, in turn, promotes the self-absorption of papillomas.

Soda for healing

soda for the treatment of papillomas

Baking soda has long been used to treat many skin problems at home, including papillomas. A feature of soda is its ability to alkalize an acidic environment, which provokes the strengthening of immunity, elimination of toxins, creates unfavorable conditions for bacteria and pathogenic microbes. As a result, viruses in the body stop multiplying and die. The antiseptic and disinfecting effect of soda is also known, which is also useful in the treatment of papillomas. Soda is able to soften tissues, eliminate the symptoms of the virus and its manifestation - education. Soda for the treatment of HPV is used internally, in the form of inhalations and local lotions.

To prevent tumor malignancy and neoplasm degeneration into cancerous, some traditional healers suggest drinking a solution of soda in milk. It is prepared from 1 cup of warm boiled milk and ¼ teaspoon of baking soda. A solution is used three times a day, in each subsequent intake, the mass fraction of soda increases slightly until its concentration in milk reaches 1 tablespoon. However, drinking milk-soda solution is not allowed for those who have pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

Before using this recipe, it is best to consult a doctor.

Soda-based inhalation is a more gentle immunostimulating technique. For inhalation, boil 1 liter of water, add 3 teaspoons of baking soda to boiling water, stir, bend over the pan, put a towel on your head to prevent steam from escaping and breathe in soda vapors until the water cools down. Inhalations are carried out several times a day for 5 days.

Laundry soap

Laundry soap acts on the skin in a drying way - it draws moisture out of them, leads to drying and gradual death of cells. This property is very useful when removing papillomas at home. It is the moisture inside the cells of the neoplasm that contributes to its vital activity, and if it stops flowing, the wart will dry out and disappear.

The most common method of treating papillomas with laundry soap is night application in the area of ​​the neoplasm. After taking a bath, the area with papilloma is moistened and rubbed abundantly with laundry soap without injuring the build-up.

After applying a thick layer of soap, you must wait until it dries and you can go to bed. In the morning, the soap is washed off with plain water, and in the evening the procedure is repeated.

Specificity of treatment in women

Lesion of internal and external genital organs

how to treat papillomas in women

In modern medicine, papillomatosis therapy in women is carried out according to various methods, but it is still impossible to completely eliminate HPV from the body. Therefore, any treatment is aimed at individual elimination of the clinical signs of the disease.

In the treatment of HPV of internal and external genital organs of women, there are many similarities. The only difference is that when neoplasms are detected on the external genital organs, specialists can prescribe immunomodulatory drugs of one direction, and with HPV on the internal genital organs (mucous membranes), stronger drugs are used that prevent the development of oncopathology.

Treatment of genital papillomatosis in women can be carried out by destructive and therapeutic methods. The necessary method must be selected by a specialist in each specific case.

Intraductal papillomas

Due to the fact that intraductal papillomas are classified by experts as precancerous conditions of the mammary glands, a feature of their treatment is the use of exclusively surgical methods. In the case of papillary cystadenoma, surgeons perform a sectoral resection of the mammary glands, while removing tissues with modified ducts. Such an operation is performed through a periareolar incision, which allows in the future to preserve both the shape and size of the breast without the use of mammoplasty.

If a woman is diagnosed with intraductal papillary cancer, then radical mastectomy is used as a treatment.

In order to prevent oncology in the mammary gland, doctors recommend regularly undergoing mammological examinations, treating mastopathy in the early stages, and paying close attention to dyshormonal and inflammatory pathologies in the female genital area.

Treatment for men

papilloma treatment in men

Treatment of HPV with manifestations on the male genital organs is carried out with medication and surgical means. Drug therapy in this case is designed to suppress the virus, introduce it into anabiotic state, and help strengthen the immune system.

Even small papillomas on male genitals do not disappear on their own, so it is customary to remove them surgically:

  • by electrocoagulation using electric current;
  • by freezing with liquid nitrogen - cryodestruction;
  • using a laser;
  • by the method of radiosurgery - a non-contact method based on exposure to radio waves of a certain frequency;
  • by the method of cauterization with special chemical solutions;
  • conventional surgical excision with a scalpel;
  • using ointments that can remove build-ups.

The method of removing papillomas on the male genital organs is selected individually, depending on the characteristics of the course of the infection. All of the above methods of destruction are recognized by doctors as reliable and can be carried out without the use of general anesthesia.

What to do if the papilloma is damaged

In case of damage to the surface of the papilloma, an inflammatory process may begin in the affected tissues. Outwardly, this will manifest itself in a change in the color of the build-up, swelling, redness, burning and itching of the formation. A ichor, mixed with pus or serous fluid with an unpleasant odor, begins to ooze from the wound. If the state of immunity is in a satisfactory state, soon the place of the tear will dry out and no deviations will be seen. However, otherwise there is a risk of malignant tumors.

Gross trauma (burn, scratching, scratching) can provoke the spread of HPV to adjacent tissues and the growth of new lesions. Such a process has an even greater predisposition to oncological degeneration.

If the papilloma is nevertheless injured, it is necessary to quickly apply a sterile swab made of bandage or cotton wool, which was previously moistened in a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, and maintain such an application for at least 10-15 minutes. After stopping the blood, the wound is treated with alcohol to disinfect the skin surface and prevent infection and fungus from entering the wound. In the absence of alcohol, disinfection is carried out using iodine or brilliant green, although these funds in the future will interfere with monitoring the condition of the wound.

In case of significant bleeding due to damage to the papilloma, trauma to the angioma is diagnosed - proliferation of blood vessels with a benign character. Damage to the angioma is not dangerous; as a result of such a pathology, oncology does not develop.

Where to go in case of illness

If you find various formations on the skin at the first stage, you need to see a dermatologist. This doctor will carry out the necessary diagnostics, establish the type of virus and determine the patient's further actions.

Most often, dermatologists are of the opinion that the earlier the papilloma is removed, the lower the risk of developing dangerous consequences, but everything is individual. The dermatologist will tell the patient about which specialist will need to carry out the removal and which technique in this particular case is better to prefer. The doctor will also determine the further treatment regimen, after which it will already be possible to go for a consultation with the surgeon.

If papillomas occur in the genital area, you should seek the advice of a dermatovenerologist. If the formations are localized in the anus, a proctologist will deal with the treatment of such a pathology. In the event of papillomas on the mucous membranes of the ENT organs or the oral cavity, the patient is referred to an otolaryngologist. Genital papillomas in men are treated by a urologist or dermatovenerologist, and in women, a gynecologist deals with these problems.